Virtualmech has been granted with SME instrument support for the Phase I for proof-of-concept
Our track measurement and safety monitoring device, vmRail, obtained high marks in the areas of market impact, excellence and quality and efficiency of implementation, because its innovative, applied and profit-oriented benefits.
Different railway operators and maintainers have already expressed its interests in our solution for predictive maintenance and our team is working hard for achieve the high expectations placed in our system.
By the end of 2018, the solution packages for track geometry, dynamic railway simulation and corrugation analysis will be ready for deployment in different exploitations by request. Thanks to the SME Instrument the commercial potential of our project will be assured and new improvements will be developed.
Furthermore, we are already preparing for phase II call!
#safety #maintenance #mechatronics #SMEInstrument #embeddedsystems #mechanics #VirtualEngineering #RealResults

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